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Infrastructure as a service

The user is provided with a computer infrastructure, usually virtual platforms (computers) connected to a network, which he independently configures for his own purposes


Everything as a Service

The user is provided with a computer infrastructure, usually virtual platforms (computers) connected to a network, which he independently configures for his own purposes.


Platform as a service

The user is provided with a computer platform with an installed operating system, possibly with software.


Software as a service

This type of service is usually positioned as “software on demand”. This is software deployed on remote servers and can be accessed by the user via the Internet, and all updates and licenses for this software are regulated by the service provider. Payment in this case is made for the actual use of the software.


Hardware as a Service

In this case, the service user is provided with equipment, which he can use on a lease basis for his own purposes. This option allows you to save on the maintenance of this equipment, although in essence it is not much different from the IaaS type of service, except that you have bare equipment on the basis of which you deploy your own infrastructure using the most suitable software.


Workplace as a Service

In this case, the company uses cloud computing to organize the workplaces of its employees, setting up and installing all the necessary software necessary for the work of the staff.


Data as a Service

The main idea of this type of service is that the user is provided with disk space, which he can use to store large amounts of information.


Security as a Service

This type of service provides users with the ability to quickly deploy; products allow for the secure use of web technologies, the security of electronic correspondence, as well as the security of the local system, which allows users of this service to save on deployment and maintain the security of their own system.